This lovely statue ( St. Agatha, I think) still bears traces of its polychrome decoration. The cloister is full of delicate tracery, and remarkably can be precisely dated to 1517-18. The church was founded on the site of one of the miraculous discoveries which permeate the folklore of Spain. Here's a short version of the story.
Legend has it that the king, while hunting, released his hawk in pursuit of a partridge. He lost both birds and went in their search among the surrounding trees, while looking he encountered a cave from which came a great glow. Inside he found his prey and a mysterious image of the Virgin with a Child, a vase of lilies, a bell and a lamp. After conquering the town of Calahorra from the Muslims, the king ordered the construction of the monastery as an offering to the Virgin who had helped him.*
But while you're looking at the carving, don't forget to look at the surround, the acanthus leaves scrolling around the base and the little cherub above!